Friday, 23 September 2011

Building Research

the task given to us was to research buildings for the task that will be given to us next week. this task is to create a street in max therefore getting street designs and things we would like to put into our street.

I picked this picture because of the iron gates i really like the gates its something that is dying out and not really seen as much. i feel it gives character, however from a modeling point of view i think that it will give more shape and more depth to modeling the street when we have to finally create it.
this building i feel would be a good aspect to maybe start my street the subtle curve of it and the shapes within the structure i think would create a better look and more complex view towards the street in general istead of a normal straight uniform street.
The mass of glass on this building was impressive and striking i decided that making that shape on a building in my street because of the diangnal lines and shapes it creates would give a good chance to use different tools and develope skills in max.
see this building is pretty run down, it sparked ideas when i saw it i decided to take the picture because i havent seen the brief yet i dnt know whether or not my street has to be a standard street or whether i can destory the street and make it an doomsday theme.
bit of a silly picture but it was the phonebox that reminded me that i need ot have more in a street than just buildings. it needs lampposts post boxes. that kinda of extra objects and it need to gather more pictures to create a street that you would typically see but with hopefully my own twist.

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